Signs of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in adults aged 60 and above. This eye disease is caused by high intraocular pressure that damages the optic nerve, which is essential for good vision. As the pressure around the eye increases, the optic nerve gets damaged, sometimes leading to blindness.

The disease progresses gradually and you hardly notice changes in vision until it’s in the advanced stage. Once you lose sight due to this eye disease, the damage is irreversible. Identifying the early signs of glaucoma is critical to preventing permanent loss of vision. At Wight Eye Care in Loves Park, IL, we provide eye exams to detect glaucoma. Our optometrist will then provide treatment and management for the disease.

Early Signs of Glaucoma

The disease occurs in different forms, and they all have varying symptoms. Open-angle glaucoma, the most common form, hardly presents any symptoms. However, it would help if you looked out for the following signs:

  • Changes in side or peripheral vision: This is usually the first sign of this eye disease.
  • Extreme sensitivity to light or halos around light: The patient sees rainbow-colored circles around the light.
  • Eye appearance: Unusual visual appearance of the eye, such as dilated pupils and haziness, is a symptom.
  • Redness in the eye: This occurs in the advanced stages and is sometimes accompanied by pain.

Diagnosing Glaucoma

The best way to spot the disease early is to go for regular eye exams. Our optometrist reviews your medical history and performs a comprehensive eye examination to identify signs of the disease. The first step is to measure the intraocular pressure to determine if it’s within the normal range. If it's too high, our eye doctor performs other tests to verify the presence of the eye disease. They include:

  • Test for optic nerve damage
  • Identify areas of vision loss
  • Inspect the drainage angle
  • Measure corneal thickness

Schedule an Eye Exam with Our Optometrist

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of glaucoma, it’s important to get a diagnosis. At Wight Eye Care in Loves Park, IL, we diagnose glaucoma and prescribe treatment based on your situation. Call us today to schedule an appointment.


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