Eye Injuries

Eye injuries can happen to anyone. While many of these injuries are common and don’t require a lot of care, others can be severe. At Wight Eye Care in Loves Park, IL, we specialize in treating eyes and eye injuries. Here are some of the most common eye injuries and how we treat them.

Eye Injuries

Eyelid Injury 

An injury to the eyelid and the surrounding area can be very painful. These include cuts and scratches to the eyelid that don’t impact the eyeball beneath. Another very common eyelid injury is a bruise, better known as a black eye. A black eye generally goes away on its own after two to three weeks. While all of these are uncomfortable and need to be kept clean, they generally don’t require medical intervention unless they are severe. 

Corneal Abrasion 

A corneal abrasion is a scratch on the cornea of your eyeball. It can be caused by something that is trapped under the eyelid or by something scratching or hitting the eyeball from outside. This can be painful and result in constant blinking and light sensitivity. Minor corneal abrasions will go away on their own, but severe ones will need to be treated by an optometrist.

Punctured Eyeball 

A punctured eyeball is a serious injury in which something cuts through the cornea of the sclera of the eye. This can be a small puncture or a large one. Either way, it requires medical treatment. If you have a punctured eyeball, you need to see a medical professional. An optometrist can then determine what kind of treatment you need. 

Acute Hyphema 

Acute hyphema is another eye injury that should be treated as a medical emergency. It consists of bleeding between the cornea and the iris and is frequently caused by blunt trauma. If left untreated, it can have severe consequences. Blood in your eyeball can increase the pressure inside your eye, meaning your doctor might need to perform surgery to correct it. So make sure that you go straight to the emergency room for this eye injury.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Optometrist for Eye Injury Treatment in Loves Park, IL  

At Wight Eye Care, we have provided residents of Loves Park, IL, with eye injury treatment for many years. Call us today at (815) 708-7083 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our optometrist. 


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